08 December 2006

Yay, yea, and yeah

For awhile I've been reading emails with a misspelling. This must stop.
People keep typing, "yea," when they mean, "yeah."

"Yea" sounds like "yay." It's an adverb used in oral voting, expressing "yes," or used to introduce a more emphatic phrase. It can also be a noun meaning, "affirmative vote."

"Yeah" has the same short "a" sound as the word, "bad." It's an adverb meaning, "yes."

Please don't type, "yea," when you mean, "yeah." It looks dum.


Anonymous said...

Sort of like misspelling dumb?

Huomiseksi said...

Yes, that was intentional -- an ironic finishing touch.

Anonymous said...

Intentional, huh?

Anonymous said...

That really was hilarious, "dum", and then the first comment nearly split my side. Then, wait for it... the 3rd commment, OMG! Maybe it's not really that funny but, yes it is! LOL

Anonymous said...

Yea this wuz a dum thread.